How To Maintain Dumpster Enclosures, and yes you should.

Dumpster Cleaning

 How To Maintain Dumpster Enclosures (And Why You Should!)

Maintaining the overall appearance and cleanliness of all different kinds of dumpster enclosures is a must not only for your own peace of mind, but it will encourage tenants to help with the upkeep instead of cause more of a mess. Dumpster enclosures include but are not limited to grease, food and waste, and recycling receptacles, all of which may be on the grounds of your rentals.

Ensuring your property service maintenance crews are aware of any and all enclosures at each of your properties is just as important as informing tenants of their location and proper upkeep etiquette. While the first step is making sure the receptacles and their surrounding areas are as clean as possible, it is just as imperative to encourage your tenants to help with this effort.

Fact is, if a property’s trash or recycling enclosure is a mess along with the area it resides in, tenants are less likely to make an effort to get the waste into the proper area! While it may seem like common sense, it would also be beneficial to include a list of what items can go into each particular receptacle; just another way to help encourage the overall cleanliness and ease of maintenance of all enclosures.

Why It Is Important To Keep Dumpster Enclosures Clean

As property managers and property management companies, you are contributing members of your community and have duties beyond the normal citizen. In managing apartment complexes, houses, businesses, or even storage spaces, you are responsible for the appearance and upkeep of the physical property and surrounding area. While you are renting these spaces to others, it is still part of your job to ensure they are properly maintained. This includes all types of dumpster enclosures that may be on your property’s premises.

Why This Matters:

  • Having trash littered around the area where dumpster enclosures are located is detrimental not only to the reputation of your company, but to the environment and community in general
  • It is important to research the waste and recycling enclosure needs of each specific property
  • In properly equipping residents and businesses with the enclosures that they need, chances are greater they will actually use the receptacles
  •  Many cities and towns have taken on ‘keep our community beautiful’ initiatives, this includes ensuring trash and other waste is properly disposed of

The Ins And Outs Of Different Types Of Enclosures And Wastewater Disposal

Beyond dumpsters, there are several additional types of receptacles that you may deal with at your rentals. It is important to you (and your tenants) know what each is for, and are aware of what items can go in the specific enclosure, according to your city’s regulations.

  • Food waste enclosures
  • Recycling receptacles
  • Grease enclosures

Lastly, becoming knowledgeable about the proper procedures for the disposal of wastewater used for cleaning these enclosures is also a must. If done incorrectly or sloppily, this can lead to public health hazards and be harmful to the environment and overall water quality. There are several methods for disposing of wastewater, depending on what it was used for. Keep these wastewater tips in mind:

  • All wastewater must be disposed of
  • Surface Disposal: this method spreads wastewater over the ground surface, typically near irrigation ditches
  • Subsurface Disposal: dispose of the wastewater into the ground either through pits or tile fields
  • 5 years ago

    Hope everyone has a happy and safe 4th weekend.